Bob Gossom
My Baltic house may be seedy
Not up to your blue Boardwalk
Since I don’t charge you rent
You can judge my intent
But now you own my whole block
we play games
My right foot Twists to blue
You rise with a hand on green
I counter. You lean.
I wonder: Are we falling?
Red, and both of us are sprawling
I like the games we play
I Risk moving into Europe
Then you attack my Alaska
We deploy and defend
Battle and win
My surrender accepted
We pretend to be friends
fun and games
Your pawn takes my Queen
My eyes were distracted
When your blouse was retracted
You’ve checked your way in
My defenses are fractured
No piece now left to be captured
attack games
In the big blind with rockets
I’m dreaming of profits
But the flop is three Queens
And your face has a trace
Of when you smiled to my face
And turned out everything
In my pockets
high stake games
You drop the first heart
And I accept it discretely
You eat the Queen
While smiling sweetly
But when I finesse the Jack
My shins are attacked
heart games
You scramble the Scrabbles
All over the board
First we hoard the letters
Then you reveal
And I no longer conceal
We build words together
Ignoring the score
Taking a step towards forever
forever games